? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Concrete Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??251 Grabs Today. 2903 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Carnival,Karate,Baseball Game no biggee....

Today wow!!!! Well this is going to be a short simple post. 1 Awesome carnival. Jupiter Jail :). Black belt training. Baseball game. It all results in....

235 push ups

1 breakfast burrito

ASU winning the Baseball game

4 Jupiter Jail arrests

what seems like a billion steps

2 laps of frog jumps

120 tuck jumps

3 hours of conditioning

7 water bottles (the whole day)

So yeah more later


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Things I have been into

There are a couple things I have strangely been really into from TV to friends to the foods i eat. Number one I am finding that my TV in my room is SO much more useful than ever. I say this because my bed time has gone up and i can watch TV without falling asleep on a couch. So there is that. I also am absolutely CRAVING donuts and quessidillas. It 's like mt veins need donuts and quessidillas!!!!!!! Another thing that is something I am liking is school. I have finally realized I can enjoy school, and have fun. Last but most absolutely positively no way the last I really like Music. Maybe it's because I got the Fall Out Boy album and going to their concert. But I heart music. So yep bye bye

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ok that was funner

You may have seen my blog post down there. But, I think it's safe to say that the day I posted it AKA my birthday was awesome-er! I woke up and read my horoscope in the newspaper which is always a family tradititon. Then at 11 o' clock My best friend Randall took me to AMAZING JAKES! I ate so much! And I rode on the rides even more. Ahhhhhhhhhh...... Good times. Ya so after all those shenanigans I came home to find that my dog had tipped over a trash can. Guess who picked it up. So after that finally we ate dinner and watched FRED on iCarly. It was awesome. I thought the end was hilarious. Last but not least my mom came home with something I have been dyeing for. Fall Out Boy's new album FOLIE a DEUX. And it is awsome. So ya radical day. cool day.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey I most Definatly are going to blog somemore

Hey one Hey all! I am alive. By request by aunts and father I am starting to blog again. First thing is first Happy B-Dayto me. FEBRUARY 16!!!!! Don't forget it! Yesterday was really fun. First of all I babysat. So if that is boring enough I decided to throw a beach party in my mom and dads bathroom! So we all got on our swimming suit and got snacks and what not and BAM!!!! You got yourself a pipping hot beach party. So once my dad then got home (luckily the mess was picked up) We went to the mall to go to Dave's BBQ and to get my mom a late valentines present because she is at a basketball tournament with abby and was gone on Valentines day. We also got cookies and the 2 books I have been wanting. Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3, and the last of this series I read called the Bone Series. Lastly at the end of the day we went to my Aunt Anne's house for cake. By request by my Aunt Sarah, Aunt Sarah made the cake. Woo hoo lets give it up for Aunt Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I went home and watched TV and read my extra fabulous book. Yep so comment Ya OK I am going now. OK. Bye. I will miss you. OK now Bye. Bye again will miss you .Bye