? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Concrete Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??251 Grabs Today. 2903 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jeez what a weekend!!!!

Oh my gosh i feel horible, but going to write the post anyway. Well, to start out with is on Saturday. I had a soccer game. We won (we are undifeated). On Sunday I had to do almost all my homework, and a whole Spanish report! I hated both. I also was tettrified about my Spanish report. So, I went online on a game where I could talk to my friend Matt and see if he could help me calm down. Let me tell you, if it were'nt for Matt I would be a mess! And, as I said I am feeling bad because I am sick. But, I think I will make it. At times like these I ALWAYS look forward to school.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fridays Fact!!

Today's Friday fact is.....

Astronauts eat food in space like M&MS

There you have it

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


OK this has been the boringest, lamest, and most tireing week ever!!!!!!! I have no idea what to do!! I was so bored yesterday I actually watched the grass grow for like 20 minutes!!!! Help me!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fridays Fact!

Todays Friday fact is.....

Cows Englend is a place!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nothing much....

As I am writing this our house is going MAD!!!! I am pretty bored, I mean NOTHING has happened lately. There are just times in life where you are just so bored you want to die!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Recent Thoughts

I have had some kind of wierd thoughts during the last couple months or days here are some.

04/08/08-Why do they have two different books for AIMS?
03/27/08-What is a WebKinz?
04/09/08-Why do you try to be perfect in life?
04/09/08-Who would name their child Elvis?
04/08/08-Do we eat at the same time as the average family?(we eat at 8:00 or 8:30 at night)
04/07/08-Why can't everyone be like Oprah?
04/07/08-Why is my good luck charm Paris Hilton?
04/07/08-Will Miley Cyris end up like Brittany Spears?
02/16/08-Why must I be sick on my birthday?
04/09/08-What do my sisters do on the computer?
04/09/08-I wonnder if people have high hopes for me or if they think I am a hobo?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just killl me.....

Not very happy because this week is AIMS(da da da daaaaaaaaa) I am like freaking out. But on the brighter side of life I entered a Dodgeball tournament at my school and we got 4 out of 14 teams our name was the Atomic Death Chicken. We also get no homework this week. That's pretty much it. wish me luck on AIMS (I will need it).

Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Facts

Todays Friday Fact is....

On the hit show "Full House" Jessie one of the people in the show was absessed with Elvis in the show

There you go

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tag I am it

I was reading through my moms old posts (I wanted to know who started their blog first.) So, I saw a old photo of my mom so I read it but she actually got tagged and she tagged anybody who was going to read it. Here are 6 things about me

1. I love soccer
2. Hate my vegies:(
3. I one time had a picture taken of me in a giant cooking pot (I was 2)
4. I really like carpooling
5. Love Super Smash Bros.Brawl
6. I like to be imagnitave.

Now I will tag Mrs. Czarniecki, Mom, Alex's mom, Mitchel's mom, Abby, Alex, Ben, Amelia, Rachel, Amelia, Lolo, Annie, Mitch, and Sarah. Now is that a lot of people or what!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Today I did my first school class....IMPROV!!! It was really fun!! My favorite part was called delima. So you had to get a partner. Then, you would get a card. There would be Person A, and Person B. One person wanted to do one thing (mine was I wanted to lsiten to rap.) and the other wanted to do another. So, we had to act out so then we can compremise. We also went on a field trip which was fun. Well, last but the not least HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!!!!!