? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Concrete Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??251 Grabs Today. 2903 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Daily Routine

6:30 AM: Wake up and do that homework you were too lazy to do last night.

7:30: Get dressed

7:40ish: Have my bowl of cereal, and we better have extra milk!

8:00: Leave for school

8:20: Have school start

8:30-3:00: Either Math, Social Studies, Science, Problem Solving, Word of the Week, Reading, Drama, Art, Wellness/PE, Music, Geography, lunch, recess Some other school crap that won't help us in the real world, etc., etc.

3:01: If it is a Karate day go to karate until around 7, but on my most interesting day Thursday is what I will tell you all so we would be dropping off Mimi at dance.

4:00: Pick up Abby.

4:30: Get out my laptop and check...... JUST SO YOU KNOW THIS IS THE ORDER I GO IN EVERY DAY!!!! I AM CRAZY LIKE THAT First my Gmail, then Yahoo news stuff and e mails, then comes lolos blog, my blog to see if I have new comments (I love comments) Alex's mom's blog because I am a stalker, and lastly youtube.

6:00ish: Head to Rubio's for my family's weekly Rubio's night on Thursdy. I always get a beef burrito with guacamole, tomatoes, and other other various things I don't know the names of.

7:00ish I think: Pick up an always cranky mimi from dance.

7:30: Get home and take a shower.

8:00 or something like that: Get a life (I wish) Instead I am doing homework, or watching TV, or on Laptop again.

9:00: Since its Thursday I turn on the Office and watch that.

9:30: More TV.

10:00: If I have enough time I will blog and then brush my teeth, take out contacts, turn off lights, turn on fan, then fall asleep.

I relive the same days though so..... I'm sorry I bore you with my daily routine.


Laura Fuller said...

did you watch the office last week? pam had her baby and its so funny!

Anonymous said...

There, happy. I made a blog.

Anonymous said...

I know. Today is my musical and I'll post about it.

Anonymous said...

Well, hey it's true.