? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Concrete Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??251 Grabs Today. 2903 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blooging wierdo/5th grade passer outer/Friday Facts

I blog way to much. I think it's because I really can't open myself up to anyone else unless I am really close to them..... Sigh. Here I am an 11 year old talking about my problems on a blog. That signifies I am completely weird, very special, or starting a new trend. Your choice. Times are tough in my life. You know sometimes I feel like I am just....... You know, black and white. No not talking racist I am saying sometimes I feel bleak, and sad, why as other times I am very happy. Most the time school is where I am happy because I make it fun for myself and others. Of course being involved in something where a 5th grader passes out isn't very fun, it happens. I am going to tell you Internet. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me a bad person. And you know what you the reader have no idea what I am talking about. Well you kinda got the base but don't really know what happened. And as much as I want to tell you I feel pretty bad about it. But will give hints. No I didn't punch anyone in the face nor did I kick, knee, headbutt, or scoop out any eyeballs in the situation. So don't call me a bad person. Wait but now I am a hypocrite because in the beginning I told you not to call me a bad person. Well just saying It ain't my fault. God, that felt good. I feel better now. I think that really helped a lot. You know what I love about blogs. I love that they are always there for ya, and there is always someone who'll read it. And you know what none of you guys know what fully happened fully before and aftermath, so none of you guys really care about this post at all. Lastly Friday facts. Did you know cat urine glows under a black light!? Pretty sickening if you ask me. Really looking forward to going to Nathan's it will be a huge stress reliever. You'll probably getting bored so I will go. Bye :)

PS: I took away my tunage. I didn't really like it. So bye songs


Anonymous said...

I didn't like your thing either. I always listen to music on my computer when I ever use my computer so I would always have to pause it and stuff. It was annoying. Julia's coming over!!! I have 6 hours of cleaning to do so I better go. It will be difficult. My room is like a pile of BLECH!!!! So about that 5th grader, WHAT DID YOU DO!!! I'll ask Julia. Maybe SHE will know the answer.
-Your weirdo friend who thinks Shu grew 6 inches

Anonymous said...

Haily's older than Shu but Shu is about a head taller than her! That's nuts!
-Your weirdo friend who saw Randall on crutches and offered him a brownie