? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Concrete Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??251 Grabs Today. 2903 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

100th post spectacular!

Well happy hundredth blog! It is official I am writing the famed 100th post. Wow you know just in kind of shock. I never would have thought in a million years I would have kept a blog for so long. I am sitting here listening to some tuneage eating some sonic ice. My sister is on the computer that my first post was really bad which it was if you go back. Plus I don't even think it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day or Civil Rights day or something. Wow long freaken time ago. Listening actually to "What a Catch, Donnie" by Fall Out Boy. One of my favorite songs this week. Maybe it's because there music video cam out. But, back to the main picture here. So first comment ever on this blog was Jen Jacobson! 2nd post only comment I think. I have no idea how she found my blog though. But, my inspiration for blogging was to make my sisters jealous. Who knows why that because blogs for guys are pretty lame, but I love it! Maybe just 4th grade thinking. Favorite picture on my blog was me, hunter, and uncle cade covered in whip cream pie things. Favorite Friday Facts was probably Elvis being like 8th degree black belt. I don't know? Another 4th grade moment. I love the fact how I can call 4th graders little kids because I used to be little too. Favorite post ever definitely recent thoughts#1! So least favorite post or say posts was the collection of me being sick all through my B-day. It sucked because I felt like crap. So just quick last reminder. Happy hundredth post.

PS Thank you for reading my blog!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm a book writer!

I am writing a book! That is right, my first book.So I am going to keep you guys updated. So right now I have just finished the main characters and where they are. I say this because this is the basic plot thingymcbobberpantsmcskilletbiscuitdawg. A boy and his sister go on adventures in another world/dimension thing. I just got finished drawing the world/ dimension mcbobberpants thing. The book I am writing is inspired from the book "The Last of the Really Great Wangdoodles" Although my book has nothing to do with that book it is inspired from that because of the them of them going to all these different crazy places. So will keep you peoples posted! Bye Bye :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

No wait free hugs are wierd!

OK came to a conclusion free hugs is very strange! So instead I made a poster saying "Free Knuckles!" and I swear every student in the 5th and 6th grade knuckled me! It was awesome! So I am saving free hugs for the other guy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Free Hugs

This video really moved me. I saw it in PE. It got me thinking how many people could use a hug everyday. Here is where you can watch the video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4
If you didn't feel like giving a hug then there is something wrong with you! I want to do something like this at my school for 9/11. I think I will get my 6th grade buds to back me up on it though. Who knows. Well bringing back memories. I am watching Roley Polley Olly the Movie! Good times. Well that is it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Monday

Lets start out from the beginning shall we. Just as a reminder Nathan's mom is out of town so he is staying with us until Wed.

6:15: Start on Science work

6:45 or 6:47: Finish Science and play the wii.

7:27: Start getting ready for the school.

8:06: Finally get in the car.

8:10: Pick up Nathan.

8:23: Get to school

8:30: Getting pretty mad because I knew it was going to be a bad day

9:00-9:34: Feel like crap.

9:35-10:15: Feeling crappier.

10:30: Starting to feel better now that it is snack eating with the 6th grade poesy! HahaHa inside joke.

10:45: Start Lit Log. :(

11:30: Finish :)@!!!!!!!!!@$#%%&*(

12:00: Oh My Gosh! almost lunch. Hip Hip Hoooorah!

12:40: Go to Mrs. Jones class to eat with Mr.cripple aka Randall

1:00: RECESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1:25: End of Recess.....

1:45:End dear thing go to science

2:45: End school

3:00: Go home!

6:00: Eat

7:00: Watch Extreme House Makeover mcjigmobberpants

8:00: Secret Life of the American Teenager! Aka Abby's "Show"

9:00-9:34: Finish posting.

You know what the day wasn't half bad....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Movie Ratings 2!!!

OK new movie rater!

Push: 4 out of 4 stars: I loved this movie! It was so good! It wasn't totally all super hero stuff it was actually really good. Favorite part was when they are in the yogurt shop thing and with the girl doing weird stuff with the guys mind. Least favorite part was finding out the movie ended.

(500) Days of Summer: 2 1/2 or three stars: The best chick flick I have ever seen. I wasn't really looking forward to it. but, it was an OK movie. Favorite part was the ending. Least favorite part sometimes it really confuses you switching from day to day.

Knowing 1 star: REALLY BORING! I actually didn't watch it because I got so bored. ZZZzzzZZZ zzzZZZzzz See I just fell asleep thinking about it.

Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince: 3 1/2 stars: You know I can't not like these movies for a couple reasons. Number one: I loved the series. Number 2 I loved the way it is directed. There is action but not to much. Favorite part the tower scene. Least favorite scene the 5 minutes it took just for Dumbledore to fall and die.

OK that is it. Bye :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blooging wierdo/5th grade passer outer/Friday Facts

I blog way to much. I think it's because I really can't open myself up to anyone else unless I am really close to them..... Sigh. Here I am an 11 year old talking about my problems on a blog. That signifies I am completely weird, very special, or starting a new trend. Your choice. Times are tough in my life. You know sometimes I feel like I am just....... You know, black and white. No not talking racist I am saying sometimes I feel bleak, and sad, why as other times I am very happy. Most the time school is where I am happy because I make it fun for myself and others. Of course being involved in something where a 5th grader passes out isn't very fun, it happens. I am going to tell you Internet. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me a bad person. And you know what you the reader have no idea what I am talking about. Well you kinda got the base but don't really know what happened. And as much as I want to tell you I feel pretty bad about it. But will give hints. No I didn't punch anyone in the face nor did I kick, knee, headbutt, or scoop out any eyeballs in the situation. So don't call me a bad person. Wait but now I am a hypocrite because in the beginning I told you not to call me a bad person. Well just saying It ain't my fault. God, that felt good. I feel better now. I think that really helped a lot. You know what I love about blogs. I love that they are always there for ya, and there is always someone who'll read it. And you know what none of you guys know what fully happened fully before and aftermath, so none of you guys really care about this post at all. Lastly Friday facts. Did you know cat urine glows under a black light!? Pretty sickening if you ask me. Really looking forward to going to Nathan's it will be a huge stress reliever. You'll probably getting bored so I will go. Bye :)

PS: I took away my tunage. I didn't really like it. So bye songs

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Thursday has always been my personal favorite day. Never really knew why. I am tired though right now so I am going to dedicate this whole post to Thursday. I am going to now write a poem about Thursday. PREVIEW IT ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST! Who knows why they are my favorite. I think it is just cool you know. OK Mondays suck, Tuesdays blek, Wendsdays I always get homework on this day. THURSDAYS not to close and not to far from the weekend. Friday so anxious to get home that you explode half way through the day so don't like it. Saturdays are fun until noon when you are mad that the day is almost over and it is almost Sunday. Lastly Sunday is o;iwho;eihjwopegj because you are all mad school is happening all over again! So I think I have made my point. In other words been kinda tired and droopy. I don't know why. Looking forward to spend the night at Nathans and play Assassin's creed until 5 in the morning. I want an Xbox 360 too!!!!! Oh well I guess I will wait until (air quotes) Santa (another air quote) buys I mean (air quotes) makes me a Xbox 360! (last air quote for tonight) OK since I am probably boring you to death bye

PS: How do you like the quote?

PSS: What is your favorite day and why

PSSS: My poem is underneath this

PSSSS: Do you happen to keep purple and orange infants in your garage?


PSSSSSS: (air quotes)

PSSSSSSS: I lied I did air quotes!

PSSSSSSSS: I lied and I feel like a bad boy!


"Thursday" By Joshua Pulsifer

Thursday, Thursday, what a wonderful treat.

Although every other day is bleak

This one is special and cool

Mondays are a drool.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Karate Sleepover!

Holy fish's tooth pate that was fun! OK karate sleepover. Instead of doing one really long post I am going to do a timeline, so fjsdhgoshgoiujhg WE ARE NOW BACK TO ONE DAY AGO!

7:00: I get there and Everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs.

7:30: We learn all things we are going to do

7:45 or 8ish: Randall gets hurt and his toe is gushing out blood but after the sleepover they went to urgent care and found out it was broken

8:00-8:30: Eat pizza, and dance to I gotta feeling

9:00: I am pretty sure nothing that exciting happened but we played Sharks and Minnows

9:30: We start heading to the arcade

10:30 start coming back and get ready for broomball

11:00: Start playing broomball

12:00: It ended and by this point everyone is out of the building except for us, PLUS we started playing dead man

12:15: People start freaking out because we thought that the alarm went off.

12:30: Still playing and someone thinks that they saw a ghost Then Master talked to us about how there is nothing haunted in there lol

1:00: Start heading back for popcorn and movie that is transformers.

1:30: Me Haily and Chelsea are talking.

2:00: I head into Lincoln and Casey(People at karate's) tent

2:30: Now that is everyones hangout spot and we are talking about 12 year old pregnant kids! You wouldn't get it because it was an inside joke.

3:00: We move to another tent and for some odd reason Chelsea, Haily, Zach, Maddy, and Carly are playing Truth or Dare for some really odd reason.

3:45: They move Casey's tent and The other guys tent together and they make one big tent.

4:00: Carly comes out of the tent and hangs with Haily Chelsea and I and the Fantastic 4 was born.

4:30: Almost everyone is asleep and me and Chelsea are just talking

4:45: She falls asleep

5:00 or about 5:30: Jake wakes up crying and sweaty (Jake is around 5 and I am pretty sure he was had a bad dream about the ghost)

5:31: I am asleep

7:30: Master McGowan wakes us up with the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater song

8:00: I am gone getting Dunkin Doughnuts

That is what happened and when I got home I got 7 hours worth of napping. That is it.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Boring postish thing mcbobber but read it anyways

Sorry it's been a while. Just entering 6th grade lots of homework. I really actually I think for the first time ever have anything to write about. So I will just talk about boring stuff. I have been thinking back to about pre school- 5th grade. I remember once wanting to do be a Veterinarian, NASA Scientist, Karate Instructor, Lawyer, and a Doctor. But none of those things are interesting any more. Veterinarian: I can't even stand the two dogs in my house, and I would never be able to put down a dying dog. NASA Scientist: Boring!!! Karate Instructor: You know, I just wouldn't be able to handle it. I am good with kids and all that but couldn't handle it. Lawyer: I stink at anything that has to do with solving a case. Plus I am really bad under pressure. Doctor: Not to smart with all that stuff. But, I have chosen what I want to be. I want to be a writer. Whether it being for the newspaper, books, or anything else, I want to be. Mrs N says I was and am the best writer i the class. So I already have the talent. Plus I looooove it. I could write about things for days. I was going to quit the blog a lot because a 6th grade guy writing about his life is absolutely 0 on the cool charting. But I have a feeling that I need to keep it. Who knows. I want it to go for as long as possible. whether that being a day, weeks, months, or years to come. I just have this feeling that when I grow up I will look back and say wow. That is what I hope I say at least. Maybe somewhere in futuristic land they say wowhoziblok or something. So I will try to make up for this really long boring post some other time. So good bye.