Yesterday was pretty sweet. Yep hung out with the old man :) I read about 170 pages of numero 6 of the Harry Potter Series. So good. My favorites go in order 1. Prisoner of Azkaban 2. Order of the Phoenix 3. Goblet of Fire 4. Sorcerers stone 5. Chamber of secrets. But I think that will change once I officially finish the series. The funny thing is that I first started reading it in the begging of the 5th grade. So back to the story I read while my dad swam then we met up with Grandpa and Grandma and Lolo and Whyatt and Hunter and Savanna. Then my dad and I had lunch at this good Hawaiian place. It was good. Then I went on the Light Rail for the first time. It is soooooooo cool. And it is relaxing. But, what was really cool is when it went over the water.OK then we get to my uncles NRA thing and it was cool seeing all the giant things hunted down there. good times good times. Then the highlight. I got me a pocked knife engraved with Joshua Pulsifer on the frond and my nickname Juice on the back. Then after the NRA thing we came home. I was sooooo tired by then so I just collapsed on my bed. That was my day.
that was a fun day; thanks for hanging out handsome!
Juice, huh? What kind....orange or apple or tomato....or maybe you're blend like "fruit" juice???
What happened to my birthday post? And, hey, are you going to be at Tae Kwon Do today tomorrow, or Friday? Just curious. I had a wickid birthday! All my friends made me cards and my whole gym class sang Happy Birthday to me.
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