? ??????????????US Marines? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (134 Ratings)??252 Grabs Today. 16361 Total Grabs. ???
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Monday, October 6, 2008


I am going to pretend that I got tagged by my aunt lolo and tag myself here are 6 things about me.

1. I am loving karate and I am loving Sparring(a sport that involves kicking and punching for points)

2. I go by a saying "Nobody is perfect, so try to live life will ya."

3.sometimes hanging out with my sisters is more fun than playing with some of my own friends.

4. My karate teacher Master McGowen and Mr. Leon say I would forget my head if I had to screw it on every morning.

5. My family can get very well....how do I put this gently....ummmm.... different than others.

6. I love Lolo's chicken and waffle's food.

Now I tag anyone who read this post


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh!

1. I love taking Tae Kwon Do with you and Randall and Peter and Noah and Carson and Lincoln and Julia and Mr. Leon and Master McGowan, etc. etc.

2. My friends are what make my life spectacular

3. I love having friends but lately I've been having trouble making them

4. I love this blog

5. I've got three awesome dogs (two of which almost died a few days ago)

6. My camera was literally fried on Thursday. You could smell the smoke.

-Chelsea (Your brown belt pal)